What a crazy day...Which all began when I volunteered to be the "Mature" Seaton Girl LIVE on Good Day/LA this past Friday morning...A sure sign that I have entered into early senility.
Now this is what I know...

1. 5:00am is too early for anyone to wake up and be ANYWHERE but in bed
(Full disclosure...I might be the only girl who does not understand the big deal about Breakfast at Tiffany's)

2. Whenever 9 chicks are in a room together the subject always goes to anti-aging techniques
(Note: 6 of the girls were under thirty and had the most info!)

3. Once one girl gets naked all the girls feel free to be naked
(Gratuitous attempt to appeal to the male audience...all four of you)
4. When wearing well made and stylish clothes, like Seaton, you always feel better
(Gratuitous attempt to entice you into buying SEATON)

5. You should always send the make-up artist a Thank You note
(Gratuitous attempt to make my mother proud)

6. When behind the camera, live television is no big deal. When in front of the camera, it is a VERY BIG DEAL

7. What they DON'T tell you is that a model should always look into the camera and should never cluck their arms like a chicken...lesson learned

8. What seems like 23 minutes is actually only 2.3 seconds
(Gratuitous suggestion...I want this clock for Cesar Chavez day next week. Hint. Hint)

9. When you don't smile you look boring/dead/on morphine. When you do smile make sure you don't have the remains of a blueberry muffin in your teeth

10. No matter what you look like...A day with full make-up, styled hair and high heels makes you FEEL like a super model

11. That said...A day with lip gloss, air-dried hair and ballet flats makes me feel like me...which I much prefer
And here you go...The fruits of our labor. Thank you SEATON team for helping me.
Trust me, 8 days to style the spot was WAY easier than the 2.3 seconds it took me to be in the spot!
After all was "Wrapped" (a term I swear never to use again) I felt great. On top of the world. Complimented by peers. Gushed upon by family members. Then reality hit...I went to have my new night guard fitted, felt the tinglings of returning sciatica pain, ate dinner at 5:45pm and went to bed at 8:30pm. No doubt, I am truly the more "Mature" Seaton Girl/Woman...And I like it!
(Although...I probably should have been paying more attention to the anti-aging techniques)
(Although...I probably should have been paying more attention to the anti-aging techniques)